
Book Review 1-02: The wrong trousers

I read "The wrong trousers".

There are 3 main character; Wallace, Gromit, and The Penguin. Wallace (a man) and Gromit ( a dog) is good friends and they live together.

It's Gromit birthday, Wallace gives him a pair of techno-trousers. Wallace uses the trousers to take Gromit for walks. Wallace need more money. So he decided to rent the room. Then the penguin comes to stay. At first the penguin was kind. But it changed soon. The penguin make wallace to wear the techno-trousers, and the penguin control the techno-trousers. Then the penguin try to rob the museum of the beautiful blue diamond by using the techno-trousers and Wallace. The penguin was wanted by the police!! Gromit chatched the penguin and took the penguin to the police. Gromit and Wallce got thousand pounds!! So they don't need to rent the room. They live together in friendship again.

This story was funny, and easy to read for me. Pictures are cute and funny. I could read this story at a strerch.

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